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He deployed special forces death squads globally. After the show I went to a Waffle House. Approximately 300,000 people in Sweden (a country that officially acknowledges EHS as a functional impairment) are affected.

Minus Hitler and his bankster and industrialist backers, 160,000 troops would not have landed on the beaches of Normandy and 10,000 American, British, and Canadian troops would not have died. I do not believe making money in order to consume goods is If you want to understand a society, take a good look at the drugs it uses. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. laughter abide, I am there in spirit.”—Bill Hicks. Perhaps this helped clear the way for David Letterman to revisit the censoring of Bill Hicks. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the criminals who operate without a police badge. Honky Tonk Parade: New Yorker Profiles of Show People “Bill Hicks, blowtorch, excavator, truthsayer and brain specialist, like a reverend waving a gun around. No one is left out of the loop. These and many other pertinent questions find their answers in the hard-hitting documentary Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy, one of the most powerful documentaries ever made about the fluoride fraud. MEDICAL PROOF THE COVID JAB IS “MURDER” – DR. VERNON COLEMAN, No jab, no job: Canada Post workers will be put on unpaid leave over vaccination status, Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R.

He ignores growing poverty, unemployment, hunger, homelessness and despair. Today American citizens, once a free people protected by law, can be assassinated and detained in prison indefinitely without any evidence being presented to a court of their guilt, and they can be sentenced to prison on the basis of secret testimony by anonymous witnesses not subject to cross examination. The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a “nuclear emergency” involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. Modern culture no longer accepts overt slavery, right?

Under no circumstances may one nation, or combination thereof, intervene against another without lawful Security Council authorization. The key is if you believe it or not, it doesn’t hurt to be very prepared for anything. Police Unions, 2. This mobile HAARP ship was used to trigger the March 2011 magnitude 9.0 Japan earthquake. in Random Discussion. Bill was born November 2, 1940 in Sharkey, KY to the late Willis and Rusha (Kegley) Hicks. Description. Read article here, The combined US troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have now reached a higher level than existed at any time under the presidency of George W. Bush. Here is how to navigate the site: On every page: the main menu is listed below the article you have selected.

Read article and watch here. Found inside – Page 76Beverly Adamo Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own ... Bill Hicks Be the change you wish to see in the world. The body is simply having a biological response to your body being not at ease, dis-ease due to certain deficiency’s such as Potassium deficiency which is fully explained in this video. He permits lawless torture. Read more here. The vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught dumping dangerous unsafe, untested or proven harmful—vaccines onto unwitting Third World populations when they cannot get rid of the vaccines in the West. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. Bill Hicks was perhaps the most influential comedic voice that was tragically cut short. If history is any indicator, the agents of the CFR will use Google as a tool to eliminate competition to their interests. Fish at a restaurant in Bel Air where they would meet on a biweekly basis. They discuss experiments showing after hundreds of attempts they could not infect a healthy person with a cold virus. In 1984 Bill Hicks, Houston's most legendary standup comic, was scheduled to appear on Late Night with David Letterman, which was a show on NBC. Prepare For Change have put together an excellent documentary and article series called Planned Chaos which questions the madness we are experiencing and its purpose in our lives as a result of this mess. People have a right to know. For one reason, to keep them enslaved to the system. EMR damages cell membranes, causing them to leak calcium and create many health issues, such as altered brain function, autism, infertility, EHS, hypocalcaemia, DNA damage, thyroid problems, osteoporosis, endocrine imbalances, early dementia, asthma, neurological disorders and multiple chemical sensitivities. Read Article Here, IRS, IMF, UN, US Treasury, FCC, CIA, FBI, NSA and Executive Orders… Read article here, Deconstructing The Sovereign United States, We the people are viewed as the greatest threat to a malevolent government and its partnering corporations and the expansion of what is becoming a full blown police state. in Random Discussion. Read article here Watch movie here or download or order a copy at, or, UK has more CCTV cameras than China. We seek to reassure the public that the Queen is still the Queen, and remains the respected and loved figure they have always known. It outlines the subjects that need to be discussed, the areas of corruption and areas of government tyranny. The truth will set us free, because we are imprisoned and enslaved to a corrupt system that relies on illusion and lies. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs. His word is final. These were the last words spoken on stage by William Melville Hicks, better known as Bill, the man regularly cited (especially by comedians) as the greatest stand up comic of all time. … November 11th was not made a holiday in order to celebrate war, support troops, or cheer in the 11th year of occupying Afghanistan. This public domain book is an open and compatible implementation of the Uniform System of Citation. Please share this film. Obama Declares He Will Rule By Authoritarian Decree, The Obama administration has announced it will now rule by fascist decree and ignore Congress and the American people. If man was the primary cause of “global warming” then why were all of the other planets in our solar system experiencing increased temperatures as well? See photos here, Fake wars, fake war on drugs, drugs peddled by hypocritical government, the military industrial complex set to kill and invasions continue, Whether it’s under Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, or Obama, the policies have remained the same and the damage to our bottom line has been mountainous.

Many ask me why I still crusade for 9/11 truth. Shortly after graduation, he was drafted into the US Army. Bill Hicks was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (a favorite tool of the establishment assassins) in June, 1993. And we can change it any time we want. He is a great trainer; able to work with injuries and still make progress. Read article and download full report here, Freedom Parade Berlin: 1,300,000 People Protest Covid Pandemic. ”War Is Over!, if you want it”. Bill Hicks. Blue blood lines, vampires, lizard people, consuming blood daily to keep their shape shifting appearance in the public eye. It’s time to ditch the policies we have come to tolerate for decades before they consume what is left of our moral core. Why does Washington want hegemony over the world? Three years in the making, AMERICAN: The Bill Hicks Story brings the tale of one of modern culture’s most iconic heroes to the big screen. QAnon are a very important group of people, globally fighting and standing up for humanity!. The last words Hicks said to me were: "I believe everyone has this fuckin' poem in his heart." police and army stand with the people, CONCENTRATION CAMPS NOW BEING PUT TO USE IN AUSTRALIA, Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps | Tested with a useless test for a virus that does not exist. 1. Watch all 4 videos to really know what is going on with this COVID-19 plandemic. We are at 100% of GDP to service the debt. It begins:“The President had the constitutional authority to direct the use of military force in Libya because he could reasonably determine that such use of force was in the national interest. We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Doing so assures conviction. "-Citizen Kane "Why not? Read article here, A Noble Lie: A New Film Exposing The Truth Of The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, Noble Lie: A myth or untruth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social harmony, or the social position of the elite.

That means 13 out of 14 of us alive today according to their diabolical oligarch plan simply must die within the next few years. Electromagnetic radiation breaks down the all-important blood–brain barrier, causing the death of neurons, which can result in early dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This excellent video explains the truth about viruses and how germ theory is still just a theory and has never been proven. Clinics are set up to treat the symptoms of exposure, medical industry acknowledges the health issues, while Canadian and US governments are ignoring them. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you.”—John Lennon, There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country. At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. Haiti Video here | Articles by Benjamin Fulford here, | Articles on HAARP + Induced Earthquakes here, HAARP US Military Weapon That Can Cause Earthquakes and Alter The Climate, 13 reasons to suspect HAARP caused the Haiti earthquake here, The Truth Has Fallen And Taken Liberty With It, Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Nazi Germany’s SS was a force for terror and intimidation, creating an aura of fear within the citizenry and horror for the remainder of the world watching the spectacle of a police state far more brutal than any in human history up to that time.Apparently this lesson has not been lost on the dictators of the world since that era as the communist leaders and rulers around the world learned that building an effective domestic spying and military police apparatus was the key to remaining in power. The hour long special had been carefully edited down to appeal to the sensibilities of C4’s then core audience. Now!”, At least 600 Google workers sign manifesto calling on company to retract its ‘Covid’ fake va ccine mandate and create new policy ‘inclusive of all Googlers’, ‘Dr Fauci, Mr Hyde’: RFK, Jr talks about his book exposing this psychopathic mass murderer, NY City Teachers Back in Court to Argue City’s COVID Vaccine Mandate Policy Violates Constitution, Judge Rules Local Missouri COVID-19 Orders Unconstitutional, Austrian Catholic activist leads call to resist COVID tyranny, Canadian doctors: Government data clearly show spike in Flu/COVID cases amd deaths after vaccinations, COVID-positive Australians FORCED OUT of their homes by the Army and transported to quarantine camps, They Are Purging Humanity – There Is Nothing Left To Lose – David Icke Talks To Alex Jones, Top reasons why healthcare professionals refuse to speak up about covid vaccine injury and death, Hundreds of Google Employees Sign Manifesto Against Forced Injections – Report, Brave ICU doctor warns about covid “vaccine” injuries, deaths, Fauci wants all little kids, babies “vaccinated” for covid by Spring 2022, Several other countries besides Austria now forcing covid “vaccines” on citizens, American government poised to unleash “Angel of Death” smallpox bioweapon to create perpetual crisis, General Flynn Exposes Deep State Plan to Trigger Civil War In Groundbreaking Interview. Well, look at the drugs we use. The global elite, nazi, sabbetean mafia who have been running our world for thousands of years, are currently carrying out plans to exterminate 95% of the worlds population. Europe Erupts in Second Night of Violent Anti-Lockdown Protests VIDEOS, Fauci & Big Pharma Have Institutionalized Population Reduction, Archbishop Viganò Calls For Anti Globalist Alliance To Unite Against New World Order, Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization, COVID Shots Are the Deadliest ‘Vaccines’ in Medical History, Fauci, dead orphans, AIDS drug trials, and the lies, Israeli and US Rabbinical Courts Challenge Kill Shots. He graduated from the LaRue High School, class of 1959. Mortally wounded, he succeeded in deterring them and was found the next morning surrounded by the bodies of those he killed. This is a comprehensive list of subjects that control our planet. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. Found inside – Page 73Mr. William Hicks of Kansas City , years since the Association met ... by inserting after the word " be " in the second line the words " such of , " and after the FIFTY - EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING , last word of the section add the words ... The US Department of Health and Human Services and all vaccine makers have been deceiving the American people for over 30 years about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines.

If current trends continue, 50% of the population in Austria, California, England, Ireland, Germany and Sweden will be feeling the effects of electromagnetic radiation by 2017. And I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right? Millions of people have been injured for life or murdered within days of receiving the death shot so called vaccine. Israel’s a longstanding imperial partner. What it is doing to our health and what you can do to prevent the planned global genocide that the elite is attempting. This is not an American government at all. The film will be released soon, date to be announced. No small group of people should control the many, ever. When you look at each way they are killing us daily, many feel there is no larger agenda. Chemtrails are part of the global culling of the masses. 120 Countries now in war games. From who invented it, how it has developed, and the big picture view of exactly what its doing to us all, by whom, why they are doing it and how they are getting away with it, and what we can do about it. 4 Video Interviews By Brian Rose of that are banned as the Elite few don’t want the truth out there. George Bush and Barack Obama did this to prove they were true statesmen., D is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy. Their music mixture of old-time, folk, blues, and bluegrass earned them a long recording and touring career. Bill Hicks. You either did what you were told or they beat you into submission. The number 666 is displayed proudly on the satanic control and genocidal plan orchestrated by the Satanic Khazarian Mafia, Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and other satanists such as Bill Gates. “We don’t let individuals make decisions about how the law operates. Definition: Phenomenon: |fəˈnäməˌnän, -nən| noun (pl. They are not social distancing, not wearing masks, see the video for yourself, this is not thousands, this is over a million people. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Protesters chant “We are the people. I'm not proud of it, I was hungry. He authorized indefinitely detaining anyone called a national security threat without charge or trial (including US citizens). Sent from and sold by Burash Ltd. Last Words: A Memoir by George Carlin Paperback £9.99. Belligerents like America and Israel put their own priorities above international laws. He died at his parents’ home in Arkansas the following month. These pages focus on the Red Clay Ramblers' early years, but the group is still going strong. At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China. Would leave a steel core…, Lots more 9/11 pictures and links to articles below… scroll down. This is true. They do so repeatedly. The plan the Rockefeller Foundation wants to implement in the United States and beyond. HAARP is designed to shoot these energy beams 200 kilometers up into the sky; affecting an area known as earth’s ionosphere. An excellent explanation of the big picture of this global scam. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. It's worth buying the DVD for the bonus content alone. I have made a film about jazz that tries to look through jazz to see what it tells us about who we are as a people. Bill Hicks RAND researchers believed that as long as 10 million Americans survived a nuclear war, the war was won. They informed their top Rabbis and “Friends of World Zionism” not to fly on that day and to stay out of NYC, as did “Larry Silverfish”, one of the primary men involved in the operation. “All Lives Matter”: Ahmaud Arbery’s Father Utters Forbidden Phrase in Call for Civility, Dr. Martin Drops Irrefutable Evidence The Covid-Jabs Are A Criminal Conspiracy To Commit Genocide, They Are Purging Humanity, There is nothing left to lose. And all the vaccinated are expected to die from the vaccine within a few years. We must continue to educate and awaken the masses. Read article here, The Big Picture Truth About The Global Warming Scam, Enough is enough of this complete bullshit, Several years ago, the sun was unusually active and all the planets in our solar system experienced a time of “global warming”. Doctor Kaufman is a well-educated medical professional who convincingly illustrates, using the CDC’s own technical data, how the public has been manipulated on the grandest scale. This short film is a synopsis of the entire situation, who, why, how, when, and what it means to you. The group being taken down is the Thule Society, Skull&Bones Nazi conglomerate headed by George Bush Senior. Nothing on our planet is more deadly and volatile than nuclear. Aug. 4, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, where US warships were apparently attacked by North Vietnamese PT Boats – an incident that kicked off US involvement in the Vietnam war – was a staged event that never actually took place. Doctor Gives Chilling Account of Unusual Vaccine-Induced Illness, World War II Was a Psy Op Just Like Covid, Aboriginal Elder screams: “They’re killing us! NONE of your fucking business. "-Timothy Leary "Oh shit." An ever controlled life of servitude, enslaved to the same people who put Hitler in power. ISBN: 9781442303195. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent3. Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom.

Read articles here and here and here. Well it does and it affects millions around the world. Well, goddamnit, ya stumped me! These events led Butler to publish a short book that today still gives us a realistic and truthful picture of the forces keeping this nation in a perpetual state of emergency, involving us in war after war against other nations, and diverting so much of our wealth and resources to military buildup. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished. His humor challenged mainstream beliefs, aiming to "enlighten people to think for themselves." The Plan – that some of the most prestigious universities have contributed to (Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins and others) – prefigures a real hierarchical and militarized social model. Read article here, Voting … is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens, The past has shown us when faced with tyranny and corruption, there is only one way for the masses to regain freedom : Rise up, resist, revolt, strike, defy and do it in mass. The codename of the project: Stellar Wind. Here or Watch Below, Agenda 21 + The Gulf Oil Spill Depopulation Event, The US government and the Chinese government are engaged in an motivated plot to relocate rural and suburban residents to more densely populated urban centers to live in overcrowded conditions where a person’s every movement and every activity is monitored. Invert the pyramid and have the control be given to the many. Deflected: Little Girl “Karate Blocks” Biden In Self Defence | Is she the closest anyone has come to hitting a president in the face since Bush and the shoe toss? It is government, and the elite who control it, that pose the real threat to humanity. Whatever they want they get. Alex rips into him and the establishments bullshit.. See video here. This new order constitutes the socializing of risk. It’s about challenging the comfortable world of official versions and established thinking by giving you access to the knowledge and information that will make the most powerful people, whether they are in government, business, academia, military, the judiciary, media, or the established church uncomfortable at the very least.It is designed for those seeking “The TRUTH” in this world of lies. Perhaps this helped clear the way for David Letterman to revisit the censoring of Bill Hicks. Read article here, BAN GMO | Stop The Elites Global Domination Of The Food Supply. “Love All the People (New Edition)”, p.239, Hachette UK. Truth11 Films 13th film release; s a look at the global problem we all face in Chemtrails or geoengineering. Worked to prevent safety studies, Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.

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